Fire Department

Responsibilities – Our primary responsibility at the Fire Department is the safety of our citizens.

Emergency Response – When responding to house fires, motor vehicle accidents, hazardous materials incidents or medical emergencies, we pride ourselves on providing a high level of professional service to those in need.

Fire Suppression – The heart of any fire department begins with the extinguishing of fires to save life and property. This includes structure fires in commercial properties and residential homes, grass or vegetation fires, or vehicle fires (some due to motor vehicle accidents).

Emergency Medical Services – We provide a medical rescue team 24 hours a day. This unit handles upwards of 500 medical emergencies every year. This group of highly trained personnel range from First Responders to Paramedics. All of our firefighters are also CPR certified to ensure that no matter which emergency vehicle arrives on scene first, residents in need will get immediate care.

Rescue – All firefighters are trained extensively with the “jaws of life” and other hydraulic tools in preparation for and respond to incidents that include, but are not limited to, motorists entrapped during motor vehicle accidents or farming accidents.

Bangor Fire Department
417 W. Arlington Street, Bangor, MI 49013
Phone: 269.427.8980

Bangor Fire Department Website

Contact Information
Fire Chief
Derek Babcock

257 W Monroe St,
Bangor, Michigan 49013


Monday – Friday 9AM – 4PM


City of Bangor

Phone: 269-427-5831

Pay Bills: 1-888-673-7559

DPW Emergency:


Police Dispatch:



City of Bangor